Manifesting Tips and Techniques

Stay the Course: Mastering the Art of Consistency for Great Success

In my first essay, I listed the three reasons most struggle to manifest their innermost desires.
Number one was lacking a supporting belief system (aka appropriate self-concepts).
Number two was the lack of persistence. And number three was the lack of consistency.
I covered how to build a winning belief system in How to Change Your Beliefs: A Practical Guide.
I showed you the secret to persistence in How to Be Persistent: Winning the Battle Against Your Inner Saboteur.
In this post, I teach you how to be consistent.

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How to Be Persistent: Winning the Battle Against Your Inner Saboteur

What does a person who is successful at manifesting do that a person who keeps failing doesn’t do? You study the manifesting process of two individuals, and everything seems to be the same. They both start with the same set of beliefs. They both start to visualize the same. They both start to affirm the same. They both start to imagine with the same amount of intensity and frequency. But one succeeds while the other one fails. So what’s the difference What does a master at manifesting do that a person who keeps failing doesn’t do? He persists. He persists even if nothing happens for several weeks or months. He persists even if things seem to get worse at first. He persists even if

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The Best Manifesting Method

Which one is the best manifesting method? What is the most effective way to impress the subconscious mind? Two questions that everyone wants to be answered. Especially in this era, when “new” techniques pop up on the Internet faster than mushrooms after heavy rain. “Visualize every night. Mental diet. Conduct imaginary conversations. Just let go. No, affirm 1008 times. Actually, affirm at least 10k times. Better yet, record your affirmations and listen to them. You know what? Do the ten-minute method.” So here is the bad news. I will not give you an exact answer to this question. Why? Because I can provide you with something much more valuable. I can provide you with a test that you can use to determine the effectiveness

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Impressing the Subconscious: The Ultimate Guide of Techniques

In my Best Method to Manifest post, I explained why you should target your subconscious with your new ideas, assumptions, beliefs, and specific desires. This post covers the how. However, before diving into the technical advice, let’s recap first what is the subconscious mind. We all know that we only have one mind, so why do we differentiate between the conscious and the subconscious? Is there some magical line that separates the two – like the Rio Grande separates the United States and Mexico? No. The conscious and the subconscious are not two different territories of the mind that could be located physically but two different functional aspects of it. The conscious mind has five functions: 1) analyzing, 2) evaluating, 3) making decisions, 4)

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7 Self-Concepts to Create a Great Life

Want to give the biggest boost to your specific manifestations? Change your beliefs about life itself. Many of you asked me where to start re-structuring one’s belief system. In my opinion, your general beliefs about how life is treating you and/or how life is going for you are the best place to begin. After all, why do you want to be happily married? Or be a phenomenal success in your career? Or have money fall into your lap? Isn’t it because you want to have a life that you are happy with? Or a life you are proud of? It became popular to affirm that “I am the main character.” But what kind of movie are you the main character of? If your life

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How to Enter the State Akin to Sleep

Entering the state akin to sleep requires two things: relaxed body and relaxed mind. Obviously, there are several ways to achieve these two objectives. If you already have a method that works for you, that’s great – please keep doing it. For those who need inspiration, here are the techniques I’ve found the most effective for beginners. Relaxing the Body First, lie down on your back and close your eyes. Then take 10 long, deep breaths. Make sure to fully fill your lungs each time and empty them all the way out. Feel the tension draining out of your body every time you breathe out. After you finished with the ten breaths, relax your body progressively in the following manner. Feet: First, focus your

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How to Manifest Anything: Understanding the Layers of Your Beliefs

“What beliefs do I need to manifest XZY?” is the most common question that lands in my inbox. Let me make it simple for you. No matter what you are trying to manifest, your subconscious mind always inspects three layers of beliefs before it gives the green light for materialization. The first or innermost layer consists of I AM-type beliefs related – directly or indirectly – to your desire. The middle layer includes beliefs expressing your relationship to the subject of your desire. The third or outermost layer includes beliefs expressing your general opinions on the subject of your desire. Let’s look at the example of money and abundance. A wealthy person’s first layer would include beliefs such as “I am a money magnet”;

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Mind Your Beliefs & Rest Will Follow

Why can one manifest a million-dollar house in a month while the other cannot realize a new car in a year? Why does one struggle to get a text while the other secures date after date? The answer to these questions is always the same. Those who manifest what they desire have subconscious beliefs that work for them. Those who fail to manifest what they want have subconscious beliefs that work against them. In short, a person is either helped or hindered by his beliefs. 1. The Roles and Origins of Your Beliefs So what is a belief, exactly? The dictionary defines belief as an acceptance that something exists or is true. Now, when it comes to subconscious beliefs, that “something” is an idea.

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Doubts Begone: Strategies to Commit to the Manifesting Process

Do results elude you? Here is the missing ingredient you are ardently looking for: commitment. Most of the time, when you cannot manifest what you want, the fault is rarely in the technique you use. The fault is in the level of your commitment. You do not commit to your affirmations, your mental diet, or the scene you visualize long enough to see the results you crave so much. You spend hour after hour searching for the latest manifesting hack – not realizing that if you put that level of intensity and commitment into the technique(s) you already use, your manifestation would naturally show up as a side effect. And I get it. I have fallen into this trap more times than I would

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Controlling Your Imaginal Acts: Bridging the Gap Between Your Desires and Reality

“The world in which we live is a world of imagination, and man – through his imaginal activities – creates the realities and circumstances of life; this he does either knowingly or unknowingly.” Neville’s most important contribution to conscious creation was to point out that your imaginal activities are the cause – and the only cause – of your life circumstances. Not your vibration, not your horoscope, but your imaginal acts. Consequently, the people who are masters at realizing their desires all have one thing in common: most of their imaginal activities – conscious or unconscious – are aligned with what they want. So how can you replicate their success? How can you use your imaginal activities to manifest your specific desires? First of

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How to Change Your Beliefs: A Practical Guide

One of the most common questions after my previous post on big desires was, “how do I change my preexisting beliefs?” Before diving into any practical advice, let’s lay some groundwork first and turn to the meaning of belief, assumption, and fact.   What is a belief? According to the dictionary, belief is an acceptance that something exists or is true, especially one without proof. Now, if we look up the word “assumption” in the lexicon, we find an essentially identical definition; an assumption is a thing that is accepted as true or as certain to happen, without proof. Clearly, belief and assumption mean the same thing. Both words express the acceptance of something internally – without having any evidence in the outer world.

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