How to Enter the State Akin to Sleep

Entering the state akin to sleep requires two things:

  • relaxed body and
  • relaxed mind.

Obviously, there are several ways to achieve these two objectives. If you already have a method that works for you, that’s great – please keep doing it.

For those who need inspiration, here are the techniques I’ve found the most effective for beginners.

Relaxing the Body

First, lie down on your back and close your eyes.

Then take 10 long, deep breaths. Make sure to fully fill your lungs each time and empty them all the way out. Feel the tension draining out of your body every time you breathe out.

After you finished with the ten breaths, relax your body progressively in the following manner.

Feet: First, focus your awareness on your right foot. Say silently in your mind “I feel my right foot relaxing.” Then wait until you feel a warm, tingling sensation in your right foot. This should occur almost instantaneously after you uttered the above-mentioned sentence. Repeat the same process with your left foot.

Calves: Focus your awareness on your right calf. Say silently in your mind “I feel my right calf relaxing.” After you felt the warm, tingling sensation in your right calf, move on to the left one.

Knees: Focus your awareness on your right knee. Say silently in your mind “I feel my right knee relaxing.” After you felt the warm, tingling sensation in your right knee, move on to the left one.

Thighs: Focus your awareness on your right thigh. Say silently in your mind “I feel my right thigh relaxing.” After you felt the warm, tingling sensation in your right thigh, move on to the left one.

Abdomen: Focus your awareness on your abdomen. Say silently in your mind “I feel my abdomen relaxing.” Wait for the warm, tingling sensation in your abdomen.

Lower back: Focus your awareness on your lower back. Say silently in your mind “I feel my lower back relaxing.” Wait for the warm, tingling sensation in your lower back.

Chest: Focus your awareness on your chest. Say silently in your mind “I feel my chest relaxing.” Wait for the warm, tingling sensation in your chest.

Upper back: Focus your awareness on your upper back. Say silently in your mind “I feel my upper back relaxing.” Wait for the warm, tingling sensation in your upper back.

Shoulders: Focus your awareness on your right shoulder. Say silently in your mind “I feel my right shoulder relaxing.” After you felt the warm, tingling sensation in your right shoulder, move on to the left one.

Arms: Focus your awareness on your right arm. Say silently in your mind “I feel my right arm relaxing.” After you felt the warm, tingling sensation in your right arm, move on to the left one.

Hands: Focus your awareness on your right hand. Say silently in your mind “I feel my right hand relaxing.” After you felt the warm, tingling sensation in your right hand, move on to the left one.

Neck: Focus your awareness on your neck. Say silently in your mind “I feel my neck relaxing.” Wait for the warm, tingling sensation in your neck.

Face: Focus your awareness on your face. Say silently in your mind “I feel my face relaxing.” Wait for the warm, tingling sensation in your face.

Back of the head: Focus your awareness on the back of your head. Say silently in your mind “I feel the back of my head relaxing.” Wait for the warm, tingling sensation in the back of your head.

I know this seems tedious, but you can actually finish it in a couple of minutes. And believe me, if you do this thoroughly every time you affirm or visualize, you will substantially speed up your manifestation process!

Relaxing the Mind

After you relaxed your whole body, don’t move an inch. Stay in a lying position with your eyes closed.

Now, turn your eyeballs upward about 20 degrees (with your eyelids closed!).

Imagine that you are standing in front of a whiteboard and there is a Sharpie in your hand.

Write the number 20 on the whiteboard with the Sharpie, while mentally saying twenty. Then, encircle the number.

Now, grab an imaginary eraser with your imaginary right hand and erase the number 20 while keeping the circle intact. Then, write the number 19 in the middle of your circle and say it mentally too. Just as you finish writing it, immediately erase the number from the circle.

Repeat the above process with all the numbers from 18 to 1. Once you have written and mentally said number 1, you are ready to impress your subconscious.

Important! Only spend 2-3 seconds on any given number. Otherwise, you can quickly lose your attention.

I love this technique for two reasons.

First, it simultaneously engages both hemispheres of your brain, leaving no room for the monkey mind to distract you with its usual chatter.

Second, you warm up your imagination by writing/erasing the numbers on an imaginal whiteboard and saying them mentally.